Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 3/6/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 3/5/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 3/2/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 3/1/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 2/28/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 2/27/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 2/26/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 2/23/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 2/22/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 2/21/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
Mar 6 2018
Logan Live 3/6/18
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the 3/6/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
By webmaster • Logan Live •