Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/13/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/10/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/9/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/8/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/7/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/6/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 12/20/13. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 12/19/13. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 12/18/13. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 12/17/13. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
Jan 13 2014
Logan Live 1/13/14
This is the last show of the Fall Semester 2013. It is missing the music video that was broadcast. To view the music video click here.
Logan Live is the daily student-produced newscast from James Logan High School in Union City, California. This is the recording of the live broadcast on 1/13/14. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:10AM Wednesdays, 9:25AM other weekdays.
By webmaster • Logan Live •