Boys Soccer
A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. Boy Varsity Soccer is a sport like no other sport. Reporter/Writer: Kevin Cabrera Videographer/editor: Dang Thai
ASL Class
A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. Reporter/Writer – Sean Rivera Videographer/Writer – Alejandro Duran The annual ASL field trip is a field trip where students apart of the ASL program go out to local elementary schools near James Logan High School, (Searles and Guy Emanuele) […]
Homeless Charity Club
A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. Take a look at the event Homeless Charity Club has hosted! Reporter/Writer: Damon Mak Videographer/Editor: Nhan Nguyen It was exciting to be able to learn how news stories were created and the effort required to record, write, and put […]
A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. If you enjoy acting or public speaking and want to learn how to better your communication skills the Forensics Speech and Debate program is for you. Reporter/Writer: Tsutai Valle Videographer/Editor: Amanda Macias During the process of creating this story, […]
Boys Basketball
A news story produced by students in the Spring 2019 EMP 2 class.