A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. Mecha is a club like no other, not only is it a club about having a good time but a club that makes a difference. Reporter/Writer: Ivan Villanueva Videographer/Editor: Sebastian Raygoza
This is the recording of the 1/22/19 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. Get to know the Lady Colts Varsity Basketball team and how they hope to dominate throughout the entire season. Reporter/Writer: Ibrahim Butt Videographer/Editor: Alyanna Pasta We thoroughly enjoyed this project and the process of it, such as meeting new […]
A recording of the live broadcast recording of the Varsity Girls Basketball game featuring Moreau Catholic High School (Hayward) at James Logan (Union City).
A news story produced by students in the Fall 2018 Electronic Media Production (EMP) 1 class. Mecha is a club like no other, not only is it a club about having a good time but a club that makes a difference. Reporter/Writer: Ivan Villanueva Videographer/Editor: Sebastian Raygoza