This is the recording of the 10/11/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
This is the recording of the 10/10/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.
This is the recording of the 10/09/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays. Today’s special rally bell schedule had the show starting at 9:10am.
This video was produced during the Fall 2018 semester by junior students in the James Logan High School Electronic Media Production (EMP) Academy to bring to life a poem they studied in their English class. The poem is “Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes.
Logan Live 10/11/18
This is the recording of the 10/11/18 show. Logan Live is broadcast most school days at the beginning of second period: 9:05AM Wednesdays, 9:20AM other weekdays.