Vote for Logan!

James Logan High School Union CityMission Valley Regional Occupational Program (MVROP) logo.Friends, family, and community supporters: We need your help!
Mission Valley ROP/JLHS students are representing California
as one of the final 15 schools in
the Samsung “Solve for Tomorrow” national contest
and we need help to get the vote out on social media!

Vote once a day through April 1
on your Instagram and Twitter accounts

by copying and pasting the following:

Twitter: MVROP/JLHS for Samsung national champions! Copy + paste + tweet this to vote: #SamsungSolve  #SamsungSolveMVROP

Take a picture and post:
I vote MVROP/JLHS students to be the Samsung national champions! #samsungsolve #samsungsolveMVROP
[pw-clippy caption=”Copy ^”]I vote MVROP/JLHS students to be the Samsung national champions! #samsungsolve #samsungsolveMVROP[/pw-clippy]
Remember: Only new posts count –
so no sharing/retweeting will count as votes.