Dec 7 2018
The Popcorn Chase
“He stole me popcorn, I cry!” In The Popcorn Chase Paulo is hungry and sees’ Johnathan with popcorn. Paulo steals the popcorn and Johnathan chases after him. Videographer: Matthew Kim Starring: Paulo Reyes and Johnathan Daluz Directed: Natasha Moua Picture Edit: Paulo Reyes Music: Jared Chua Storyline: Jared Chua and Natasha Moua Production Assistants: Jeremy […]
Dec 7 2018
Phone Chase
Talk smack get jacked. In the Phone Chase, Tsutai unintentionally sees that Amanda is texting about her to Ivan so Tsutai takes her phone and runs off with it. Amanda then starts chasing Tsutai and eventually gets her phone back when Tsutai trips, blacks out, and drops the phone. Actresses- Amanda Macias and Tsutai Valle […]
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