Directed by Mariano Alotaya and CJ Doria. Starring Elijah Dellafosse, Christian Leota, Samson Smith and Mariano Alotaya. Edited by Christian Leota. Videography by CJ Doria. Produced for the Electronic Media Production I Class, Spring 2014.
A parody of a familiar “Frozen” song. Starring Aolani Gatan, Earlene Escobal and Kevin, the dead body. Directed by Joshua Prudente. Edited by Edwin Leong. Music by Mary Medley. Videography by Edwin Leong. Produced for the Electronic Media Production I Class, Spring 2014.
A music video to “I’m on fire” by Connor James Thuotte. It’s about a guy asking a girl to prom. Starring: Travis Losongco, Diana Munoz, Leo Cordero, Brandon Bitz, Solomon Hernandez. Directed by: Owen Valdez Filmed by: Owen Valdez Music by: Connor James Thuotte Edited by: Diana Munoz and Nealand “it was very stressful” – […]
Break Ups Ain’t G
Directed by Mariano Alotaya and CJ Doria. Starring Elijah Dellafosse, Christian Leota, Samson Smith and Mariano Alotaya. Edited by Christian Leota. Videography by CJ Doria. Produced for the Electronic Media Production I Class, Spring 2014.